Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Making hay while the sun shines

All this glorious weather has meant Betty and Liberty can have that lick of paint they've been yearning for these past few months, or in Liberty's case years.

It hasn't been all work though. These few sunny days have also meant two other things... bicycle rides and picnics...

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Helga and The Nomadic Village

For the next two weeks Helga will spending  some time on the company of 35 international artists as part of The Nomadic Village, an artist residency produced in collaboration with Isis Arts and Klaus Maehring. Here's a bit more info on the project, taken from Isis's website

From 21 May to 3 June 2012, County Durham is housing a village within a town, when a 'Nomadic Village' of over 30 international artists makes its temporary home in Wolsingham. The artists are living and working in camper vans, caravans, marquees, a converted police bus and even an adapted milk float based at the Desmesne Mill Picnic Area in Wolsingham. The 10-day project provides space for professional artists working in a variety of mediums to live and work, engage and interact with the local community and produce work that responds to the location and situation. At the end of the Village, on Friday 1 June, there will be a public exhibition, and during the Village there will be open afternoons for the local residents to visit the artists at work.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Some snippets of the ladies...

A new framing app has meant the girls caravans had a photoshoot at the weekend.

In all their instagram effected glory, I present to you Liberty, Betty and Helga (in that order)...

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Rainy days

 Where's the sun? It should be here by now. We're having an awfully cold spring and far too much rain for this time of year, which is very annoying as it means we can't finish Betty's coat of red, nor Liberty's new racing green exterior. It has meant though that we've spent a couple of weekends catching up with chums and doing lovely things like pub lunches, country walks, charity shopping, auctions and antique sales.

It's also meant that we could focus on Betty's interior, which is coming along quite nicely with a little help from Cole and Son's lovely hummingbird wallpaper.

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